Let’s stir together…

For some who might not yet have this culinary Bible in their kitchens, you’re able to buy this online.

If you’re in South Africa, you’re bound to find it at pretty much any Indian butchery, spice shop or bakery.

I’ve labelled each post as the recipe title, followed by its page number for really easy referencing.

Enjoy! :)

10 Responses to Let’s stir together…

  1. Mujahid says:

    Is this the latest version of Indian Delights & what’s new compared to the other two?

    • Mujahid, I stand to be corrected but I do believe this purple edition is Z Mayat’s latest one. I only have the Orange edition and am not sure of the other edition, but compared to the orange edition, the purple one has the ‘cream of the crop’ selection of recipes and the methods are more easier and simpler to cater for the contemporary housewife. Also it takes into account, cooking more healthier – big big focus and Z Mayat’s dedicated a few sections to giving tips and advice of how to still cook authentic Indian cuisine, but much more healthily

  2. mash says:

    we have the book :)

  3. Sajida says:

    jus discovered ur page yesterday and i cant get enuf! still tryin to get familiar with everythin. plz dont stop :)

  4. I only have the big orange book. how different is it to the pruple? and should I get the purple one?

    • Hello Karen,

      The big orange book, in my opinion, is the ultimate in Indian cuisine! The recipes are very much aligned with the traditional method of cooking (sometimes not so healthy with more than sufficient oil/ghee, and also with laborious steps to acquire certain ingredients from scratch, of which a lot can easily be bought from stores/spice shops). I have a copy as a point of reference should I ever wish to make a really authentic Indian meal!
      As for the purple book, it’s by the same author/group who have compiled the orange edition. The need for the purple edition arose, for quicker, simpler, more healthy versions of the same traditional Indian meals, to cater for the modern cook, who has priorities of juggling many other things (primarily work), as well wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
      Both are incredibly valuable then for these different reasons.

  5. Zeenath Sheik says:

    ا لسّلا مّےُعًلٍّيكْم وً رحمطللّـﮧوًبٍرّكًا تُـّ
    II came across your page today and I must say I absolutely love it! Thank you for a fabulous page! I love the recipes! I don’t own the Indian delights book but my mom does! She wouldn’t part with it so I decided to get my own! I do however prefer the orange Indian Delight. I remember ramadaan as child, skimming thru the book and giving my mom ideas as wot to prepare for Ifthaar! My mom is an excellent cook, so was her mom before her! I’m now married and I love being in the kitchen using my Mom as my inspiration! Thank you again!

    • Wa alaykumus salaam Zeenath,
      MashaA! Smiles – inner and outer! May Allah bless you for your kind words. Our mums are amazing individuals – what a beautiful relationship Allah has created for all of us…we are truly fortunate….and for some of us, to have mums who are excellent cooks at that! One of their ways to nurture :) I should consult the orange edition – I find it a bit intimidating though! Do share your favourite recipes, from either edition and your input on recipes that I’ve tried, and inshaA will try, will be really appreciated!

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